circles in the sand

circles... remember petula clark.
makes sense. going round and round. me and myself. thinking some catapultic force will push me out of the cirlce. only thinking can. think hard. again and again. mind controls you or you control your mind. mind over matter debate. never ends. cirlces.

yes. i know how it work. stress is stimulant. fatigue is stimulant. working too much is stimulant. spending too much time with myself. either of these or combination of these. good. symptoms stands identified. cure ?

patience. consistency. peace of mind.

ways to attain ; rest, think, rethink and act. re-inforce. avoid too much pain..or too much happiness. both extremes drive to same results. stay in the middle. being happy be grateful for not being sad. while sad, praise contentment.

its all summed up. i read between the lines and find answers. with practice teaching is meaningless. be in the middle.

either sides...............lead to anger..anger lead to loss of reasoning..leads to unpredictable behaaviour....leads to loss...leads to pain.....time leads to forgetfulnesss and cycle repeats.

so another factor is "time". either it help or it doesnt. sure it does help forget. depends on what you want to forget.

re-enfore. practice. self-displine;key to success. hope the striving force. passion the fuel. destiny the end point. we can only control whats within our reach. result is outcome of what we know. once we have control over what we know and practice we can control the consequence. hence control the desinty.

writing reveals. interesting exercise for mind. incoherent ideas words jotted down reveals a picture in pieces. like mural on wall.


Dipti said…
beautiful dear brother..loved the practical tips...enjoyed the 'mural'...

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