free association

ideas exist in random, like flakes flying from dandelions with wind. holding them togehter...knitting them in one whole is the challange.

lets see......describe the first meeting...

A narrative.

Another dark cold night. I drove slowly towards great norhtern road. In the dardk of the night it was hard to figure out the house number. I searched for 225. Around the bend, near the bus stop i could see a big colonial villa. I could hear some music from the yard. Suddenly, the front door flew open and a young girl clad in white dress jumped out. The door slammed behnind her.

"Sorry i kep you waiting", she exclaimed as she closed the door behind her.

"Thats fine, I have not been waiting for long. Where are we heading? ,I said.

"Veranda Bar please", she said and occupied her self with her cell phone.

I turned around the corner and took victoria road towards the city.

I could see the dark cloulds rolling in. A slow drizzle started half way through the trip. I looked into the rear mirror. She sat silently meditating. Dark black eyes and hair pulled neatly back. A strange sense of complacence in her smile. She seemed to be toying with some idea in her mind.

I had interrupted so many women in the middle of their thoughts. They do not hesitate to tell me whats on their mind. Afew honest words sometimes, tell too much. One can strike association in the moment with people so distant from ourselves. A moment shared together brings us togehter. A moment when we say what we want to say. Without hesitation. Without fear. Without sense of being judged. We might not meet again. We are not afraid.

Tunes from Vilvadi filled the air. I was pulling close to the Veranda Bar. "oh, i need to find Marcus" she said.
I parked the car in the back alley and walked quietly next to her. A warm breeze filled
the air. Cafes were slowly packing up. I could hear the din of conversation in the nearby
beer garden.

ending with
Sweet smell of her perfume lingered on. A warm fruity franganace fading into a distant memory.


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