conversations with god 1


slowly getting close to the destination treading softly on expereinces of life, getting bruised with thorns of ignorance and in stange moments enlightned to reflections of HIS grace which is see relfected in muddied mirror of my soul.

How long i have walked on unknown paths. hoping to reach the end, hoping to find the signs to the destination in the wonderlan around me. How little i know that all signs lies within the depths of my soul. if i believe, and tread the same path with eyes closed, i will get closer to where i am destined to be.

how little we desire and how much we expect!

can we achieve by chance what we not desire?

can we still reach the right destination even if we not take right path?

yes, we can if HE wills.


Dipti said…
You are so right brother...yes, we can if HE wills.

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