conversations with the self 1

14th may

returned from pakistan after a month. Hasan god married. time flew. i am back even before i wanted to. enjoyed much of it anyways. eating out with ami. driving to unknow destinations and talking for hours. i guess, as always, best time was spent with ami. there is too much to talk about. this time we did act on what we talked about and al-hamdullilah, things worked out fine.

i am writing to re-affirm all the things are thought about again and again. we need to re-affirm what we believe in our heart and mind. lest we forget. i need to make my manifesto for next couple of months so i do not forget what i want to achieve. for how long, in my ignornace i have followed whim of the disorted-self, hoping to get pleasure. pain awaits at the end of all expectations. pleasure is delusion. precursor to pain. pain persists. pleasure flies. why should we invest the emtions that elude us and not learn to live with emotions that stay.

we dont realize how weak we get once we divert from our purpose in life. failure in achieving ones goals is a sign of diversion from ones path. it is accompanied by pain, loss of faith and dis-allusionment. in this state we make ourselves vulnerable to all "demons" around ourselves. without Gods protection we are lost.

lets hope be a bit consistent this time and not divert too much from the loci of my belief.


Dipti said…
Amen dear brother

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