alka on truth

Started off my day with one lecture with Alka. Here is what i learned.
Truth is one. Truth is singular. There can not be two truth. Believing
in what is true makes us act in a certain. We as human are drive by
automatic responses programmed into our minds and subconscious
by our experiences in life. Instinctively, in communication people will
repsond with negative responses. For instance, if we propose that
certain target can be achieved. Automatic responses can be "maybe".
This automatically, include a notion of negativity. We instinctively
assume, that failure is a possibility as well and that represents the
uncertainty in our thoughts. So, we need to inculcate positivity in
our thoughts by eliminating any negativity associated with a sense
of failure. This can be addressed by identifying the factors that make
us insecure.

Feeling positive effects our whole life in different ways. Humans
have a complicated hormonal systems. Secretions of hormones
in certain glands trigger certain body reactions. Therefore, thinking
in certain way leaves a chemical imprint on your body and mind.
If we think and act positively our body will perceive this feeling
by experiencing a positive reaction. Then this hormonal system
acts on nervous system that controls other body function.

Therefore, anatomy of thought process helps us understand
effect of our thinking process on our body.


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