social networking and web 2.0

hi fellows

the web has changed the way we communicate and associate with each other. The new web 2.0 paradigm has opened a new world of social networking as means to get peoples attention. the marketing guru find it as a means to get to millions of cutomers connected to each other. it has become easier to float and idea, exchange opinion and meet new people. for some, social networking however is "social not-working", a flip side to this cultural experiment.

privacy! ethical issues !

new frontiers opens new challenges. keep people engaged and interested in your web content will be a challenge. This can be textual or audio/video content. With increasing bandwidths available average consumer time on interest and downloading has increased substantially. 

New trends in web 2.0 domain are mashup (mixing media and content from various sites). Borrowed originally from music industry..( mixing music) the term has evolved to include mixing funtionality as well as content from various website on your webpages. This has made internet browsing a richer end user experience. 

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