Time Trap

We all live in a continual dilemma. On one hand we are trying to find activities to fill in the empty spaces in our lives, on the other hand we are desiring to live longer lives. Its time I start challanging one's quest for longevity.

Spending time when there is nothing to do, is the worst mental challange. We are not designed to get continuous amusement from one activity, no matter how much mental or phsyical stimulation we get out of it. Interest fades out with time and mind demands more.

For last one month, I experimented on an idea. Myself being the guinea pig, offcourse, I decided to stay at home and amuse myself with all possible activities I can think of. Internet offcourse is a lives-saver. My lifeline to factoids, my mental nutrition. First rule to put my time to some prodcutive use as well as keep myself entertained. First week as spent doing following things:

1. started re-writing my own blog.
2. read couple of books online and tested jsp technology.
3. did extensive study on nurtritional content of my food intake.
4. downloaded a rss-feeder and installed several opml file to read read tech. news on regular basis.
5. downloaded roulette and worked for hours to design a winning strategy.
6. downloaded a roulette table analyzer to make predictions. works. my mind works better.
7. looked for some interesting blogs online.
8. looked for literary blogs and found a very interesting portal.
9. lectures of daresequran. very interesting and enlightening indeed.
10. downloaded and watched almost all episodes of "Desperate Housewives".
11. downloaded "in good company", " incredibles", "mystic river".

Started an exercise routine:
1. walk to the nearest park around sunset. 1.5k
2. slight work-out and weight training at home.
3. check out schedule for various progammes on tv and de
4. designed a menu for week, focussing on low-fat and high nutrition food.
5. did play roulette at west ashfield casino. no luck, but good fun.

its not that hard to kill time. over-work can no doubt kill me.


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